Created in 2014, IDEA Academy has become one of the most internationally renowned training centers for traditional and digital Visual Arts.
With a strong focus on turning students into professionals in the creativity and entertainment fields, IDEA’s courses cover a wide variety of topics such as concept design for video games, animation and cinema, 2D animation, illustration, cinema set design and storyboarding.
IDEA was created to help artists from all around the world to develop their talent and potential through our high-level teaching standards.
The academy is in Rome, the eternal city, endless source of artistic inspiration throughout history.
Among IDEA’s co-founders there are Anthony Christov, former art director and production designer at Pixar Studios who has worked on titles such as: The Incredibles, The Incredibles 2, Finding Nemo, Cars, Wall-E, etc and Andrea De Dominicis, senior visual development artist and illustrator.
IDEA’s teachers are all renowned professionals with extensive experience in major international studios, entertainment companies and publishing houses such as: Disney, Pixar, Lucas Arts, Blizzard, Delcourt, Sony Pictures, Netflix, The New York Times, The Newyorker and The Economist (just to mention a few).
With its mix of both online and on-site long-term courses and workshops held by the top professionals, IDEA Academy is a beacon of art for the European entertainment industry and a source of practical knowledge for young artists and professionals alike.
FAQ & Policies.
Materials requiredWHAT MATERIALS DO I NEED TO ATTEND THE CLASSES? FUNDAMENTALS OF VISUAL DEVELOPMENT: Adobe Photoshop; work in traditional techniques will be done during this course, so a list of suggested materials will be provided at the beginning of the year. VISUAL DEVELOPMENT MASTER LEVEL 1 and 2: Adobe Photoshop; Blender will also be used in these courses. 2D ANIMATION: Toon Boom Harmony will be used in the modules of this course. The school will provide a temporary license to use during the period you are enrolled. You will need a computer that has at least the minimum requirements to be able to use the programs required for your chosen course, along with a graphics tablet. For students of the on-site courses: please note that the academy does not provide computers and tablets, so you will be required to bring your own. For all students taking online classes: the use of a webcam and microphone will be required. Below you can find links listing the requirements of the programs listed above: Adobe Photoshop: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/system-requirements.html Blender: https://www.blender.org/download/requirements/ Toon Boom Harmony: https://desk.toonboom.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000796934-System-Requirements CAN I USE AN IPAD INSTEAD OF A COMPUTER/LAPTOP? Use of the iPad is allowed for the Fundamentals of Visual Development course only. Keep in mind that teachers will explain using Photoshop, so it is up to the student to adapt the lessons if they use other programs, such as Procreate.
Courses policiesREFUNDS, WITHDRAWAL & PAYMENTS In order to enroll students must pay before the course begins. Enrolled students must keep their payments current to maintain status at the academy and retain access to the school facilities and assets. Students should email the Payments Department, at biz@idea-academy.it to bring their account current and resume student status. If students need to arrange a different due date, the Payments Department can work with them as long as it is within the seven days grace period. Existing students who fail or are late to pay for the current term must contact the academy at biz@idea-academy.it to avoid having being suspended from the course. Students enrolling in a course need to stay with the class, regardless of how their work schedules change, or their job situations change. When they enroll, they should be sure that they can fully commit,and complete the course. Students should be sure to have the time and resources to fully participate for the entire length of the course. Payment relating to the course is divided into three installments corresponding to the respective modules. The modules are so divided: First module: start date of the course Second module: January 1st Third module: April 1st Students have the faculty to withdraw from the course with the following modalities: Before the start of the course: students who will withdraw before the start of the course are entitled to the return of the paid tuition except for the registration fee. After the start of the course: students who will withdraw after the start of the course will have to pay 50% of the total installments not yet paid. The installments must be paid according to the terms provided for by this Agreement: First installment: start date of the course Second installment: January 15th Third installment: April 15th If the student should withdraw from the course after the beginning of a module, the student is required to pay the installment corresponding to the entire module. If the student is late in relation to the deadline for the payment of the corresponding installment, the student will still have to pay that installment in addition to 50% of the installments not yet paid at the time of withdrawal from the course. Please keep in mind that for the 2D Animation course modules there is no refund in case of early withdrawal from the courses. If a winning student discontinues the course by withdrawing early, the scholarship will be forfeited and he or she will have to pay the full cost of the course. For the purposes of withdrawal from the course the date of receipt of the email with which the student will communicate his/her intention will be taken into consideration. Simple non-attendance of the course will not be considered valid withdrawal mode. Registration or other fees will not be refunded. Withdrawal can be initiated by emailing: info@idea-academy.it with a clear request for withdrawal (messages through other channels such as, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Discord or other social media or messaging service WILL NOT be taken into consideration). Any cancellation or withdrawal refund payments will be issued within 30 days.
Workshops & Masterclasses policiesIF I ENROLL TO MORE THAN ONE WORKSHOP, DO I GET A SPECIAL DISCOUNT? IDEA is strongly focused on sharing skills and promoting study. Exceptionally for the current year, IDEA offers a special discount for its students as follows: 10% discount on the total expense for students who simultaneously enrolls to two workshops; 15% discount on the total expense for students who simultaneously enrolls to three workshops. ARE THERE OTHER DISCOUNTS? YES! Currently we have “Bring a friend…” promotion, which offers a significant discount on enrollment fee for both students who decide to join our courses together. In order to get the above-mentioned promotion, students must write us an email telling that they are friend of another student who want to enroll to a workshop and that they want to join the same workshop together. As an alternative to that, two students can enroll at the same moment writing in the email that they are friends and want to join the same workshop together. Once we receive the confirmation from both students, they can get the discount. Here are some examples of discounts with “Bring a friend … promotion”: A workshop with enrollment fee of 399 euros VAT included, costs 349 euros VAT included applying the “Bring a friend …” promotion. ARE PROMOTIONS AND DISCOUNTS CUMULATIVE? Of course! If two students enroll simultaneously to two workshops, they both get the “Bring a friend…” promotion and the 10% discount on the total expense for the two workshops! WHAT IF I COULD NOT JOIN THE WORKSHOP ANYMORE? CAN I GET A REFUND? Absolutely! In case students cancel their participation to our workshops, they can ask for a refund of the enrollment fee under the following conditions: 70% refund on the enrollment fee if they cancel 25 days before the workshop starts; 30% refund on the enrollment fee if they cancel between 24 and 15 days before the workshop starts. If students cancel their participation during the last 14 days before the workshop starts, they will not get a refund. WHAT IF I CHANGE WORKSHOP TO ATTEND? In special circumstances, IDEA Academy staff at its own discretion can offer the possibility to attend another of its workshops to students who decide to change course.
VisaVISA APPLICATION FOR NON-EU STUDENTS IDEA Academy provides assistance for NON-EU students. The cost for handling the paper work is 500 euros (non refundable), to be paid at the moment of enrollment. Upon enrollment IDEA Academy will give NON-EU students all the details related to the visa. The academy will not be held responsible for any problem incurred during the visa issuing process not does it manage any part of it. Reimbursement of the enrollment fees for NON-UE applicants is only given if they are denied their visa (in which case it will be necessary to show proof of the visa denial issued by the local Italian embassy/consulate). The extra fee of 500 euros due for handling the paper work will not be refunded.
Living in RomeWHAT IS THE COST OF LIVING IN ROME? Although Rome is not a cheap city, it is still much cheaper than many other European cities and offers a variety of affordable solutions for students. Food is fairly cheap and the city is filled with coffee shops and take-away street food vendors where it is possible to have a meal for just a few euros. Public transportation in the city costs 1,50€ for a 90-minutes ticket, but monthly and yearly passes further reduce the price. Trains are also far cheaper than in other European cities. In regards to housing, the average cost of a room is between 350 and 500€ a month depending on the location and state of the apartment. The average cost of living in Rome is apporximately 800-900€ a month. For more info please feel free to consult the following websites (please note that the rental costs reported in the links below refers to an entire apartment that can be shared among 3 or more students): https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Romehttps://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/rome
Career ProspectsWILL I BE ABLE TO FIND A JOB AFTER THE COURSE? IDEA Academy is an internationally renowned hub with close ties to industry professionals and studios. Through our network of studios in the videogame and animation industry and our attendance to fairs all over the world, we make sure our students can showcase their work at every given opportunity. IDEA doesn't leave anyone behind, even after the course is finished. We provide support and assistance for your job seeking to all our current and former students. We do our best and we expect students to do their best too.
AccomodationHOW CAN I FIND A PLACE TO STAY IN ROME? There are a number of resources available to prospective students who need housing in Rome, below are some of the most popular ones: https://inlifehousing.com/rooms-rent-rome/ https://housinganywhere.com/ https://rent.inlifehousing.com/ https://www.spotahome.com/ https://www.uniplaces.com/ https://www.nestpick.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/rentinrome/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/affittasiroma/about/ (This group is in Italian but it is also possible to speak in English) Students looking for accomodation will also be added to a closed IDEA Academy server on Discord to get in tough with their fellow colleagues. IDEA Academy does not directly offer assistance in relation to your accomodation search or for issues related to housing contracts, bills, etc... HOW DO I KNOW WHICH DISTRICT TO CHOOSE? You can read about Rome's districts in this guide: https://www.romewise.com/rome-neighborhoods.html
PortfolioWHERE I CAN SEND YOU A PORTFOLIO? You can send your portfolios to info@idea-academy.it The portfolio can be sent either as a pdf file (20 MB maximum size), or as a link to an external portal such as Artstation, Thumblr, personal site, etc. WHAT SHOULD I PUT INSIDE THE PORTFOLIO? Generally, we will ask you to gather the best and most recent works that represent you the most. In particular, we would like to see: life drawings, studies in anatomy, perspective. If you are interested in one of the Master courses, you should include also more rendered works and some drawings of invention. If you are interested in 2D animation a drawing portfolio is enough for module 1 whereas for module 2 and 3 we also need a reel.
EnrollmentHOW DO I SIGN UP? To enroll in one of our courses, you will be asked to submit a portfolio (or set of drawings) of your most recent work that most represent you for consideration by our Art Director. No particular degree or resume will be required. After determining whether the course meets your needs, you will be asked to pay the enrollment fee, which will confirm your place in the academy. Following payment, you will be sent an email with instructions and guidelines on how to take the courses. For those who require a visa to study in Italy, after confirming enrollment through payment, you will be provided with the necessary documents to be able to apply at the relevant Embassy/Consulate.
ScholarshipStarting from 2018, those who enroll in IDEA have a chance of winning a scholarship for any annual course taught in IDEA. WHAT WILL THE SCHOLARSHIP COVER? The scholarship covers only the tuition fee. It does not cover: the enrollment fee, the visa fee, or any expense related to living in Rome (accommodation, food, etc.). WHEN IS THE DEADLINE FOR APPLYING? Only candidates who have paid the enrollment fee within June 30th and have explicitly applied for one via email at info@idea-academy.it are considered for scholarships. Scholarship requests sent after June 30th will not be considered. HOW DO I APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP? The main requirement needed in order to apply for a scholarship is to have paid the enrollment fee by June 30th of the same year the course will start. The next step for enrolled students who want to apply is writing an explicit request at info@idea-academy.it, including their portfolio/collection of works (the portfolio could be the same one used during the enrollment evaluation). The deadline for requesting a portfolio to be reviewed for the scholarship is also June 30th. WHEN I WILL KNOW IF I HAVE WON A SCHOLARSHIP? Results will be announced shortly before the start of the Academic year via email. Please note that IDEA reserves the right not to grant any scholarship if no suitable candidate is found. This means that, before considering enrollment in the academy, applicants have to be absolutely sure to have the financial means to pay for the entire tuition in case the scholarship is not assigned to them. Interested students should refrain from applying for the scholarship if they are not sure to be able to pay the full tuition. I HAVE ALREADY PAID PART/ALL OF THE TUITION FEE AND I WON, WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Applicants who successfully obtain the scholarship, will be reimbursed of any tuition fee already paid (with the exception of the enrollment fee and the 500 euro visa fee for NON-UE students) before the course is finished. Please keep in mind that an attendance rate of no less than 80% of classes throughout the entire academic year is required to be eligible (absence is allowed only for justified causes which need to be clarified in advance; not attending lessons without informing IDEA counts as a non justified absence). If a winning student discontinues the course by withdrawing early, the scholarship will be forfeited and he or she will have to pay the full cost of the course.
Phone: +39 06 42013420 Email: info@idea-academy.it
Address: Via Ludovisi 16 - 00187, Rome ITALY

53 - 61 - 63 - 80 - 83 - 160 - C3 - 62 - 85 150F - 492 - 590

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SPAGNA (10 mins)